Buyers start their search on the internet. Period. Newspaper is dead and is done primarily so that sellers can see their homes in the print. The single biggest question a seller should ask a Realtor is this: ‘What is your integrated online and offline marketing plan to get my home sold?’ If the Realtor hesitates, show them to the door. Here is a link to a report that only begins to show you why Weichert is the dominant player on internet marketing.
Staging their home is one of the single most important things a Seller can do prior to putting it on the market. Here is a link that will take you to some quick facts about home staging and the economic impact it can have on today’s home seller.
Doesn’t the buyer pay for the home inspection…? Traditionally yes, if you want the buyer in control of the transaction. Today’s savvy sellers are getting the inspection done on their Princeton homes prior to putting them on the market. This allows the homeowner to fix any potential problem and not have it be a deal killer later on.
‘What is happening in the market?‘ That is one of those questions that we hear often. The reality is that few Realtors really know the answer. In a town like Princeton the market varies by neighborhood by street and home style. Factors such as absorption rate, inventory, pricing patterns all come into play when answering that question. For some more details click here: